
Showing posts from October, 2024

The Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) 2023 India Index - Findings

The Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) is a global nonprofit established in 2013 to measure and drive forward private sector accountability for nutrition. The Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) 2023 India Index  [^PDF] assessed the performance of 20 of the largest Indian Food & Beverage (F&B) manufacturers which together comprise 36% of total sales of processed foods in the country. The Index methodology deployed 58 indicators across the following seven categories against which companies were scored: Product Nutrition Governance Accessible and Affordable Healthy Products Responsible Marketing Workforce Nutrition Labelling Policy Engagement Findings: Sales of packaged F&B in India have surged by 15% every year since 2011, outperforming total food sales. Based on 1,901 products analysed from the 20 indexed companies, 76% of sales are derived from less healthy products.  Nineteen of the 20 companies derive most of their sales revenue from less healthy products....

Food Loss & Food Waste

Food is wasted when: We put too much on our plates We buy food but don’t eat it We don’t store it properly We forget about it after we buy it Food loss occurs from the harvest stage up to but not including the retail stage of the food supply chain. 13% of the world’s food is lost each year while 19% is wasted. Food loss and waste accounts for a whopping 8-10% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions every year.  If food waste were a country, it’d be the third most emitting country in the world (after China & USA). Of the one fifth of all food produced that is wasted, a staggering 60% of food waste is wasted by households alone. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is an agency working towards sustainable food production, food security and nutrition.   Take the FAO's Food Loss and Waste Challenge  to find out how much you know about food loss and waste.

The Whole Truth: Setting the Standard for Transparency in Health Foods

When it comes to packaged health foods in India, The Whole Truth stands out for its clear ingredient and nutrition labeling. The Whole Truth 5 Grain Muesli , Image - Open Food Facts In a market where many popular products obscure unhealthy ingredients like fat, sugar, and salt with tiny fonts or deceptive language, The Whole Truth labeling is refreshingly transparent. Let's see how  Open Food Facts , the world's largest crowdsourced open database, can help in making a choice by quickly exploring products from a product category or a brand.   Open Food Facts provides a custom tool called Mirabelle that makes playing with its open database very easy through its interactive interface. You can filter by different parameters and dive into the nutrient details of food products to choose products that suit you through the OFF website also.  One of The Whole Truth brand's pricey standout offering is Whey Protein with over 70g of Protein, available in bo...

How does your State/UT fare in Food Safety?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is responsible for ensuring public health by promoting food safety. The FSSAI and State Food Safety Authorities share this responsibility as outlined by the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006. The FSSAI provides policy intervention, direction, and coordination at the national level, while States/UTs conduct food safety enforcement at the field level. To incentivize States and UTs to enhance food safety within their regions, the FSSAI announces the State Food Safety Index (SFSI) annually. This index is based on performance in five significant parameters: Human Resources and Institutional Data, Compliance, Food Testing-Infrastructure and Surveillance, Training & Capacity Building, and Consumer Empowerment. The chart below represents the State Food Safety Index (SFSI) scores PDF for different states and Union Territories in India.  The marking for the Index is based on data from various FSSAI online portals such as FoSCoS,...